ResearchResearch Interests
Publications (* represents PhD advisees) Flamand T., Ghoniem A., Maddah B. (2023). Store-wide shelf space allocation with ripple effects driving traffic, Operations Research, 71(4): 1073-1092. Abdelaziz F.B., Maddah B., Flamand T., Azar J. (2023). Balancing impulse buying and shopping convenience: analytical modeling and a real-world application, European Journal of Operational Research. Flamand T., Iori M., Haouari M. (2023). The transportation problem with packing constraints, Computers & Operations Research, 157:106278. Olmez Turan M*., Flamand T. (2023). Optimizing investment and transportation decisions for the European natural gas supply chain, Applied Energy, 337: 120859. Hirwa J.A*., Zolan A.J., Flamand T., Newman A. M. (2023). Optimizing design and dispatch of a resillient renewable energy microgrid for a South African hospital, Applied Energy, 348: 121438. Flamand, T., Ghoniem, A., Maddah, B. (2023). A Solver-Free Heuristic for Store-Wide Shelf Space Allocation. In: Ghoniem, A., Maddah, B. (eds) Retail Space Analytics. International Series in Operations Research Management Science, vol 339. Springer, Cham. Muniz M*., Flamand T. (2022). A weighted network clustering approach in the NBA, Journal of Sports Analytics, 8(4): 251-275. Muniz M*., Flamand T. (2022). Sports analytics for balanced team-building decisions, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Aranoglu F*., Flamand T., Duzgun S. (2022). Analysis of artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Peru under climate impacts using system dynamics modeling, Sustainability, 14(12): 73-90. Nesbitt P*., Sipeki L., Flamand T., Newman A. M. (2020). Optimizing underground mine design with method-dependent precedences, IISE Transactions, 53(6): 643-656, DOI: 10.1080/24725854.2020.1823534 Flamand T., Ghoniem A., Haouari M., Maddah B. (2017). Integrated assortment planning and store-wide shelf space allocation: An optimization-based approach, Omega, 81: 134-149. Flamand T., Ghoniem A., Maddah B. (2016). Promoting impulse buying by allocating retail shelf space to grouped product categories, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(7): 953-969. Ghoniem A., Flamand T., Haouari M. (2016). Exact solution methods for a generalized assignment problem with location/allocation considerations, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 28(3): 589-602. Ghoniem A., Flamand T., Haouari M. (2016). Optimization-based very large-scale neighborhood search for generalized assignment problems with location/allocation considerations, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 28(3): 575-588. Under Revision/Review Manuscripts Muniz M*., Flamand T., A Column Generation approach for the team formation problem, under the second round of revision. Aranoglu F*., Flamand T., Duzgun S., Martinez G., and Smith N., Optimizing decisions for formal small-scale surface mines in Peru, under the first round of revision. Muniz M*., Flamand T., Hill J., A balanced multi-team formation problem under synergy, superstar and preference considerations in a basketball setting, under review. Wales J.G., Zolan A.J., Flamand T., A decomposition methodology for solving large-scale renewable energy design and dispatch models, under review. Olmez Turan M*., Gilbert B., Flamand T., How good are weather shocks for identifying energy elasticities? A LASSO-IV approach to European natural gas demand, under review. Working Papers Simulation-optimization of spare part inventory policy for the maintenance of a mining equipment, with Golbasi O. Grants 01/2020 - 12/2022: NSF Grant: Mapping, Modeling and Disrupting Illicit Gold Supply Chains in Peru, PI: Dr. Nicole Smith, Co-PI: Dr. Tulay Flamand, Co-PI: Dr. Sebnem Duzgun, Colorado School of Mines. Award: $673,754. Presentations The Transportation Problem with Packing Constraints, EURO Conference (Virtual), July 14, 2021. Retail Analytics on Store-Wide Shelf-Space Allocation, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, October 26, 2021. Retail Analytics on Store-Wide Shelf-Space Allocation, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 27, 2021. Invited seminar speaker, Retail Analytics on Store-Wide Shelf-Space Allocation, Seminar for the Lubar School of Business, UW-Milwaukee, October 15, 2021. Invited guest lecturer, MEGN688 Advanced Integer Optimization, Lecture for the branch-and-price algorithm, April 2020. Attended to Virtual INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 7-13 2020. (PhD advisee Megan Muniz presented "Sports analytics for optimizing team-building decisions of an NBA Team"). Retail Analytics on Store-Wide Shelf-Space Allocation, Seminar for the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado, Boulder, September 6, 2019. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Hitchcock-Koopmans Problem with Reusable Transportation Assets, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 7, 2018. Analytics for Store-Wide Shelf-Space Management, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 5, 2018. Optimal Gate Assignment Under the Consideration of Airport Retailing, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 4, 2018. Column Generation Approaches for the Optimal Deployment Problem, INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, Denver, CO, March 24, 2018. Retail Analytics on Store-Wide Shelf-Space Allocation, Seminar for Rocky Mountain Chapter of INFORMS, Golden, CO, March 15, 2018. Retail Analytics on Store-Wide Shelf-Space Allocation, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October 24, 2017. Retail Analytics for Store-Wide Shelf-Space Management, POMS Conference, Seattle, WA, May 7, 2017. Store-wide Shelf Space Analytics to Optimize Impulse Buying, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 16, 2016. Approaches For Generalized Assignment Problems with Location/Allocation Considerations, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 4, 2015. Very Large-Scale Neighborhood Search for Generalized Assignment Problems with Location/Allocation Considerations, INFORMS Computing Society Conference, Richmond, VA, January 12, 2015. Optimizing a Class of Generalized Assignment Problems with Location/Allocation Considerations, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 12, 2014. Store-wide Shelf Space Optimization to Maximize Impulse Buying, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 8, 2013. Impulse Purchase Maximization via Layout-based Shelf Space Allocation, POMS Conference, Denver, CO, May 3, 2013. PhD Advisees Peter Nesbitt, Operations Research with Engineering PhD Program, (co-advisor), graduated in Spring 2020.
Megan Muniz, Operations Research with Engineering PhD Program, graduated in Summer 2022.
Merve Olmez Turan, Mineral Energy Economics PhD Program, graduated in Summer 2022.
Jusse Aline Hirwa, Mineral Energy Economics PhD Program, graduated in Summer 2022.
Fatih Aranoglu, Earth Resources Development Engineering PhD Program, (co-advisor), Fall 2020-Present. Undergraduate Advisees Elijah Knodel, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Colorado School of Mines, Mines Undergraduate Research Fellowship (MURF) Program Advisor, Sports Analytics for Team-Building Decisions for an NBA Team, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022. Amandin Chyba Rabeendran, Applied Mathematics, Colorado School of Mines, MURF Program Advisor, Evaluation of the Impact of Government Controls on the Spread of COVID-19 in Colorado by Data Analytics on COVID-19 Cases, Social Distancing and Mobility, Fall 2020 - Spring 2021. Chiang Cheng Siew, Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, MURF Program Advisor, Evaluation of the Impact of Government Controls on the Spread of COVID-19 in Colorado by Data Analytics on COVID-19 Cases, Social Distancing and Mobility, Fall 2020. |